Are there any short-term goals you’d like to accomplish in the next few months to a couple of years?
Jodie – “At least 100 assists by the end of this season.”
What do you believe to be one of your weaknesses and what are you doing to improve it?
Jodie – “My greatest weakness is my vertical and I have been doing plyometrics to help better my vert.” vert= how high you can jump
Why are you so passionate about playing sports?
Jodie -”I love playing sports to stay healthy and it is like the only thing I am good at.”
Is there a coach or athlete that you look up to as a role model and why?
Jodie – “Kevin Kasdan my coach from middle school who unfortunately passed away is my biggest role model. He would be the reason why I would go to school every single day”
What does your daily routine look like?
Jodie- “Leg day 24/7”
What have you learned about teamwork from your past experiences on your team’s
Jodie – “People will always have problems with one another because everybody is jealous of something.”
Describe your major highlights and achievements in sports in the past.
Jodie- “I had 7 aces in a row against John Dewey.”
What do you see yourself accomplishing in five to 10 years?
Jodie- “I see myself making a bank.”
Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of sports?
Jodie – “I enjoy playing valorant and sleeping.”
Rank the top five priorities currently in your life.
Jodie – “Volleyball Grades Money Valorant Sleep”