Students are not able to use their phones at all for anything during school hours. All students have received Yondr pouches to put their phone in and it will not be unlocked until the end of the day. If students don’t have their pouch they will have to put their phone in a lock box.
This has affected students because they are not able to use their phones to check their schedules, set homework in the calendar, check messages from their parents, and they will not be able to use their phones for lunch. Jose, a student at Leaders, said “When I’m at lunch it doesn’t really feel like a break anymore because I’m not free to do what I want, I just gotta sit there.”
Some students have been caught sneaking their phones in class. Sam, a student at Harvest, said “I like having my phone in school because it’s useful for some classes and I like to use my phone to help destress after a test or a long class. It’s also a good way to store my notes.” This suggests why students are trying to sneak their phones into class.
Some students are pretty mad and bored when it’s lunch. Jose, a student here at Leaders, said “When I’m at lunch it doesn’t really feel like a break anymore because I’m not free to do what I wanna. I just gotta sit there I guess.”
Overall this school has become much more interesting after losing phone privileges. I think I feel a lot more focused in my classes and I think other students do as well. Jose also said “Something is that I can focus on the instructions better without interruptions.”
However, by the end of the day students are bored and have had no way to escape the feeling of being inside school, therefore they do not focus on work and are only focused on getting their phones back. This relates to Jenny, who said “I think that students are less upbeat and enthusiastic about working after three periods with no phone breaks.”