Vanessa T.
This is a recap of the 2025 Senior Snow Tubing Trip!
The trip was around 1 hour 30 mins long and the bus was packed! All seats were filled and Mr. Price, a Senior Crew leader, had to take his own car to follow us there. Getting on the bus felt cramped and I didn’t get to sit next to my buddy. The ride was long and I started to feel nauseous.
Luckily we had a pitstop where seniors could get a lunch,snack or use restrooms. The pitstop has a Dunkin, Pret, Popeyes, Shake Shack and more! This is where students also got to see Mr. Fernandez gobble down an order of Popeyes chicken. At Shake Shack I picked up a burger, milkshake and some fries. This is also where I noticed the fries container has changed and they are probably giving us less fries.
Back on the bus we did a count and headed on. By this point the bus windows were cold and I felt like barfing my head off. We luckily got off soon enough where we saw the mountains of snow and the skiers flying down. Unfortunately we weren’t going there but instead went down a little hill to a cute fire place where we got wristbands and our snow tubes.
Once we had snow tubes and wrist bands we were able to get on a conveyor belt to take us to the top. I went down a double snow tube and it was fast! The ride was bumpy so I tried to not sink in the tube but it was fun! Luckily we had mats at the end to slow us down until we stopped.
Everyone went on and during one of my rides down a friend pushed me and we both went flying down. The mats didn’t stop us though and we kept going on the ice until we crashed into some big blue crash pads further down.
Once everyone was tired we decided to gather around the fire, take a crew picture #nofiltercrew and order some food. This is also where my crew threw snow on each other.
Regardless, this short trip was fun and full of crew bonding. I will miss these memories I created with my crew and friends. Till the next trip – goodbye!