Movie Summary
The movie Someone Great is nothing but a tragic love story that involves two people who are in love: Jenny and Nate. One of them must move away for better opportunities for their job, meanwhile, their partner does not want to try to do long distance which causes them to break up. Jenny, the girl who needs to move for her job as the protagonist in this movie, is seen as she tries to deal with her heartbreak, cope, and live her life before she moves. Jen mourns her relationship the same way she would grieve a death, the movie portrays her five stages of grief. During this movie, we see funny, sad, heartbreaking, and heartwarming scenes as Jen learns to move on.
As a big fan of Gina Rodirguez I am biased when I say the acting in this movie is phenomenal! This movie is the best of both worlds love, and heartbreak. The acting in this movie shows real passion and chemistry and has a realistic plot. This movie was shot in NYC therefore you will find some of your familiar looking areas and maybe even passed by when it was shot! If you don’t want this amazing movie to be spoiled for you I suggest you stop here as there will be spoilers! If you don’t have time just are interested then keep reading on! Enjoy 🙂
The movie Someone Great starts off showing the loving and affectionate couple Nate and Jenny where they meet up with Jen’s best friends and talk about their tradition of going to their favorite show Neon Classic. Unfortunately, though this is just a memory Jen has, in reality, she’s drinking and sobbing in the train station while trauma dumping onto a train station. This is where Jen is in denial as she’s on her way home from her breakup and sends a message to Nate where she tells him she can’t believe they broke up. Later she has to remove her status on social media platforms to officially portray the end of their relationship. During this, we experience glimpses of memories full of love, and their fiery passion for one another as well as their exchange of text messages where the transition of love and passion turns into arguments, tears, and eventually the breakup text where her ex-boyfriend Nate after nine years decided to break up rather than do long distance as Jen moves away for her job.
Jen’s Grief and MemoriesÂ
Jen mourns her nine year relationship despite trying to seem okay. Jen experiences heartache when glimpses of what once was rushed to her mind such as when she hears the song that played the first night she met Nate at a Christmas party. This turns into a spiral of misery as she recalls the fierceness and speed of their love and connection. Jen also plans to go to their annual Neon Classic with her best friends except without her soulmate. She also has memories of how Nate helped her get to the point in her career by reading her book’s drafts and encouraging her with his words of affirmation which Jen realizes she’ll never have again. Jen is torn between loving or hating Nate since she believes they are soulmates who have been at each other’s sides since the beginning. Yet she starts to feel the next stage of grief where she feels anger and even feels rage that he tore her heart by creating distance between them and refusing to try to keep their relationship blooming while Jen moves away to another state for her dream job. Jen fantasizes and treasures the memories of the way Nate would look at her with nothing but admiration, infatuation, and a spark in his eye. She remembers the time they changed the 3 words of security in a relationship for the first time “ I love you” as they locked in their exchange of mutual feelings of passion with a kiss. The lighting and cinematography in this movie play a big role in dictating what each scene means to Jen. The colors blue, purple, and pink are used to portray feelings of love, passion, and infatuation between the couple. Slowly the movie starts to represent the feelings Jen felt through her arguments with Nate such as when Nate didn’t feel like she was the fun person Nate wanted and Nate blames her for having to move away which would end up being one of their last arguments. During this the lightning changes from vibrant pink purple and blue to a shade of red, orange, and purple. After this, they get home and get intimate but rather than feel their normal love and colors of passion it once again portrays orange and red which show Jens’s feelings of confusion and hurt.Â
Jens copingÂ
Though Jen has many moments she starts reminiscing, these only last for a few seconds at a time as Jen doesn’t allow herself to cope but rather distracts herself. Throughout this movie Jen distracts herself multiple times by surrounding herself with friends, occupying her time with tasks, and copes by using liquor and smoking to the point she numbs her feelings. Jen only has time to cope when her friends are gone and she’s alone like in the train station where she was soaking wet, drinking, and crying regretting her time spent with him. She starts to feel like she can’t process why this is happening to her nor what she did to deserve this.Â
At first sight
Fast-forwarding Jen and her best friends get ready and head to Neon Classic for the first time without Nate. Jen is seen having fun as she dances, drinks, and parties. She then spots Nate at Neon Classic as well and starts to approach Nate as her best friends plead with her to stop. Erin, her best friend, and Jen start to throw shade at each other, meanwhile Blair, her other best friend tries to stay neutral. This argument causes Jens best friends to leave her to make her own decisions. As she approaches Nate from a distance she remembers their last conversation and realizes her pleas for him to stay with her didn’t work for a reason. This realization makes her stop in her tracks from approaching him and for a few moments, Jen and Nate stare at each other. The admiration and pain in their eye contact are undeniable but as Nate stares Jen decides to not engage but to choose herself and leave.Â
Jens Dreams
She begins to reminisce on their times, the good and bad. As she’s still alone and leaves her friends at Neon Classic she hops on the train. During this she begins bargaining as she starts to crave one more of everything in a letter, she writes in her drunken state, and she cries while writing this hoping every “One more will create a forever” that they can spark a light and there wouldn’t need to be a “One More” of everything, that she could keep Nate. She experiences a depressive episode as she falls asleep alone in the cold at their old spot. In her dream, Nate apologizes for everything he did and does not try with her though he loves her, he wants to make it work and expresses he’s not a person without her. Then she wakes up to her best friends cuddling her retelling the tale of what happened after their argument.Â
Jen and her friends talk about how everything is changing and they can’t stop it. Jens realizes there will never be another “One More” and she will miss her best friends once she moves but she has to in order to keep growing as a person. Though she and Nate never have their happily ever after she has hers and moves to pursue her career which is enough for her and she will not hold back.