Niyah R.
Welcome to Leaders High School. We are not your traditional New York City high school. There are about 90 seniors out of 400 students in the entire school. We are small but powerful. Every year, there’s a day to celebrate the seniors for going through the college application process. This day is very important to our school because it celebrates the seniors in a way that is not usually celebrated. It appreciates the accomplishments that they have done so far and allows students to reflect and thank those who have stood beside them and helped them through the college application process. The unique event: the annual college march held on December 8, 2023.
There are many levels to this event. First, a group of 4 to 5 seniors are assigned to a crew of any grade level to be interviewed about their application process and their plans. Some questions include:
Colleges/Vocational Programs Applied to?
Top College/Career Option?
Do you know what field you want to study?
Biggest Challenge Post-secondary Planning?
If you are a senior peer mentor, your mentee crew will have the opportunity to interview you and cheer you on. Then, the crews are tasked with making a poster for each of their assigned seniors. The posters could contain their dream college, their plans, their lucky number, their favorite items, and much more. It’s personalized to the senior. A few weeks before, two lucky students are chosen by the administration to make a speech during the march. This speech is an opportunity for the students to have their voices heard and inspire others. The two students chosen this year were Jeily G. and Elias L.
The big day finally arrived! Seniors are given matching crewnecks with each other and their crew leaders in the morning.
This event happened during the crew period. All grades, teachers, parents, and other staff members immediately exited the school and stood on one side of the sidewalk, patiently waiting for the seniors.

The point of the college march was for seniors to put their college applications in the mailbox for the mailman to deliver them. However, things changed and the applications are online now. Instead of delivering the applications, they delivered thank you letters to people who helped them along the way. For instance, the seniors could write letters dedicated to their crew leader, friends, college counselors, teachers who wrote their letters of recommendation, and more. As they walked out, a few people held a banner and led the grade through the crowd of people. The crowd was screaming, cheering, clapping, and holding up their posters up high as the seniors walk past. The energy was so supportive and alive.
Once the seniors made their way to drop off their thank you letters, they made their way up the staircase on the side of the school. Mr. Mullen, the principal, had a little speech at the top of the stairs, saying how proud he was of the seniors. Alongside Mr. Mullen were Jeily and Elias, preparing to speak. After the speeches were done, it was time to celebrate with a delicious lunch provided by the college office and administration.
The seniors headed upstairs to the library. They celebrated their success with their friends and teachers alongside some food. This is one way our school celebrates our students and brings the community together.