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Leader Camping Trip!!
Ace D.

Leader Camping Trip!!

Peer Mentors Perspective!!


To know the experience of the Peer Mentors that went on the annual 9th grade camping trip Leaders is known for, I interviewed some of them to know how they felt, what their experiences were, how they bonded and what challenged them. The annual 9th grade camping trip is an essential moment where peer mentors are able to bond and create memories with their mentees that will last for their next four years together. It is an opportunity for 9th graders to create new experiences with their classmates that wouldn’t be possible without getting outside of the city.

Their thoughts before the camping trip:

Brianna- I had doubts about the kids and my co-mentors and I didn’t know if it was going to be good or not because I wasn’t as close with my mentees or mentors

Vanessa- I was nervous and I thought it was going to be low quality

Denisa- I was so excited it was the only thing I was looking forward to

Their thoughts during the camping trip:

Vanessa- During the trip I thought it was better quality, more comfortable and more isolated for crews to bond

Brianna- I had way better experience because I was able to grow closer with my mentees and mentors because I didn’t know them 

Lily L.

Do you believe going on the camping trip was a good thing? Do you think you would have missed out if you didn’t go?

Trwistan- Yes if i didn’t go I would’ve missed out on a lot. I wouldn’t be able to connect with my mentees.

Vanessa- I became closer to some of the quiet kids and they became more social as you interact with them.

Anonymous- Yes i believe the camping trip is a very good thing.

Brianna- I think that this trip really sculpted the crew into who they are, it was a really amazing experience. If I didn’t go, I would have been so sad.

Jeily- Yeah For sure like the bonds with my mentees would’ve been different. 


Do you believe this camping trip brought your mentees closer together?

Trwistan- Yes because before the camping trip they wouldn’t talk to each other but now after the camping trip they talk to each other a lot more. 

Denisa- Yeah we’re really close now.

Vanessa- I believe it brought us closer together because we were able to share experiences whether it was bad or good.

While the camping trip was a positive experience for most, mostly every peer mentor agreed phones should be allowed not because they will be used to text people. Instead they would like to take a lot more pictures. However, they all agreed peer mentors should be the only ones with a phone in order to take pictures and only that. Pictures capture the experience of the camping trip and having as many pictures as they can would allow them to remember all the memories of a once in a lifetime experience with their crew.


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