Alina B.
Have you ever wondered, “Are there ways to get rid of negative emotions or feelings?”
Self-Help is when you focus on your health, trying to understand how you really feel and trying to use some techniques and tips to overcome inner anxiety. Also, self-help includes a variety of strategies that help improve physiological and emotional well-being, change problem solving skills, and increase self-efficacy and self-esteem.
Strategies of Self-Help
Get enough sleep and rest
Take care of yourself (do what you like and inspires you)
Make a list of your goals and the best way to achieve them
Try to keep positively and look at the situation from another way
Eat what you love
Go out for a walk
Don’t spend too much time in social media (from social media we get a lot of negative things)
Spend time with your friends and talk about what you feel (don’t keep anxiety inside you)
Leave work or assignments for the time when you will feel okay to do it
Stay in a quiet place to concentrate on yourself.
Try something that you never did in your life
Listen to your favorite music
Drink hot drinks (like tea or hot chocolate)
Wear clothes that you feel comfortable and that you love
Watch a funny movie
Benefits of Self-Help
It helps you stay on track with your life goals
It helps you through difficult situations in life that are out of the ordinary
Helps you improve relationships with other people and yourself
Techniques can help to become more self-aware and understand our own thoughts, feelings and behaviors.
Be focused on what makes you happy instead of feeling down all day.

Stress is a feeling of anxiety, discomfort that a person experiences in a given situation, it is a state of increased tension. It is also the body’s reaction to the influence of unfavorable environmental factors. Also, the human body’s response to overexertion and negative and positive emotions.
Strategies to Overcome Stress
Try to calm yourself and relax your body (Use some relaxation strategies)
Try not to think about it and do not overthinking about that
Call your loved one or any person that you think you can get support, or family.
Take a warm bubble bath
Try to distract your mind to something else (change bad things from your mind)
Don’t compare yourself with others (because it can lower your self-esteem)
Plan your day or week
Accept yourself for who you really are and no matter what others say about you
Avoid unnecessary promises, evaluate your capabilities
Don’t demand more from yourself (you always do good enough)
Use some relaxation techniques (like deep breathing exercises or meditation).
Avoid caffeine, alcohol and nicotine (they can increase feelings of stress)
Write in the notebook what you feel and what worries you.
Do your favorite things (things that inspires you like drawing, sports, music or handmake)
Avoid overeating and undereating (watch what you eat during all day)

Bad habits are those things that we are obsessed with and we continue to do them constantly, they are repeated constantly. And when we suddenly change our usual behavior, the brain perceives it as a threat and wants to return to what is familiar. It happens because we used to do it and for the brain it is very unexpected to stop doing that and don’t know why we stop doing that when we are supposed to do that.
Strategies to Overcome Bad Habits
Become aware of the habit and take control of it
Try to replace this habit to another (that will be good for you)
Add new activities to your routine
Change the environment around you
Try to get support and work on responsibility
Be patient and don’t be disappointed
Set a specific goal (why you want to stop doing this bad habit)
Forgive yourself that you lost your temper (It’s okay, it’s normal because this can happen to all people)
Keep working at it and don’t give up (every failure is a step towards the goal)
Believe in yourself (don’t lose hope)

Fear is the body’s protective reaction when we feel danger, threat or disappointment. The feelings that may be when you are afraid of something are restlessness, anxiety, uncertainty, panic, shivering and sweating.
Strategies to Overcome Fears
Try to think positive
Learn deeply about fear and try to understand it
Try to find the support
Try to set a goal (what are you gonna do to overcome your fear)
Try to talk about it (find a person who you can a conversation about your fear)
Try to relax and give yourself some rest
Try relaxation tips (socializing, routines, rest or time outdoors)
Try to find a motivation to something
Reward yourself for every thing that you do and try your best
Accept it as a fact, it’s normal to be afraid
Other Resources:
Contact your school counselor for help:
Mabel Deleon 9th-10th grade counselor
Carol Lagos 11th-12th grade counselor